Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

Max Cross
(b.1960–), Hobart, TAS
Tasmanian born, Max completed an apprenticeship in carpentry and joinery before graduating with Honours from the Centre for Furniture Design in 1997. He was a Director of the Designer Makers Cooperative and combined his work as a furniture designer with a range of community activities, including building sets for theatre productions and assisting students with behavioural and intellectual disabilities. Max finds the environment and lifestyle in Tasmania an ideal surrounding in which to be inspired and sustain a creative lifestyle.
"Sometimes an idea can be difficult to take from paper to a finished object, but in this case, my aim was to design a table that was functional but very simple in design and construction. To be a designer-maker allows me to combine a design process with the choice of materials used - and the satisfaction of making the piece.
Tasmania has everything to offer craft and design, through the timber available, as well as the environment and the lifestyle in which to work in."
Education Carpentry and Joinery Apprenticeship; Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours, University of Tasmania, Major: Furniture Design